In most cases, you can quickly and easily update your delivery address directly in your customer account under the "Order Overview" section. Please note that this option is only available until your order reaches our shipping department.
If you don’t see the "Change Delivery Address" button in your order overview, unfortunately, it’s no longer possible to update the address via your customer account.
If you don’t have an account with us, or the button is not displayed for that particular order, please give us a call as soon as possible at Germany +49 (0) 30 22385614 / UK +44 (0) 20 34990238
Our team is available Monday to Friday, from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
If you’ve already received a shipping confirmation, it’s no longer possible to change the delivery address. In this case, just send us your new address along with the order number and all the necessary details via email at - our team will make sure to find a proper solution for you then.